Attend a free workshop + audit an acting class - Signup Form
Thank you for your interest in attending our workshop A New Approach to Screen Acting: Modern Concepts & Exercises, as well as auditing an on-camera acting technique class. These two free options take place at the same time.
This is to help demonstrate the concepts outlined in the workshop component. After going through several concepts that the coach presents, auditors will then see actors from our studio doing scene work and exercises using these concepts.
Please note: this class, which hosts observers, is an adult class. If you're under 18 years of age, please see information on Teen Acting Classes here.
To qualify to attend, simply fill out the form below in order for us to process your registration. Please allow 24-48 hours for our response, and email with any questions.
*Please note that due to demand not everyone will be eligible, so we will not be able to contact everyone.* Please see our studio terms of service.